如何使用 Azure Az CLI 以编程方式创建使用 Autopilot 预配的 Azure Cosmos DB

How can an Azure CosmosDB provisioned with Autopilot be created programatically using Azure Az CLI

如何通过 Azure Az CLI 创建带有 Autopilot 的 CosmosDB 集合?

我在 Az CLI cosmosdb 集合文档页面 (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/cosmosdb/collection?view=azure-cli-latest) 上看不到任何提及自动驾驶仪的内容,也不是宣布自动驾驶仪可用的发布页面 (https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cosmosdb/whats-new-in-azure-cosmos-db-nov-2019/)。

根据 Cosmosdb 团队的说法,它尚不可用。

thank you for opening this issue. As this feature is still in preview,
we are going to wait to add support via the CLI for now. We do not yet
have a timeline for adding this feature, but we plan on adding it once
we have more feedback. We are tracking this internally as work item
541736. I will update once we get closer to adding support.
