关于c#:如何用/到最大值创建或设置JodaTime DateTime对象?

How can I create or set JodaTime DateTime objects with/to maximum value?

我将一些C -代码转换成Java,并选择EDCOX1×0的EDCOX1×1类,以取代EDCOX1×2的EDCOX1×3。



这一个:Java等价于.NET DateTime.MinValue,DATETIME。今天回答如何在EDCOX1 0中创建今天的日期,但是当回答问题的下半部分时,关于最小值,它们转向EDCOX1,11,EDCX1,12。




LocalDate.MAX - The maximum supported LocalDate, '+999999999-12-31'. This could be used by an application as a"far future" date.

LocalDate.MIN - The minimum supported LocalDate, '-999999999-01-01'. This could be used by an application as a"far past" date.

注:Do not translate to these long.min _ long.max _值或值。P></

如果使用Java的蓝晶石migrating从8 C和日期/时间# how is important to You as工厂,它有closures和在基于jodatime datetime的API。这个新的API一个DateTime is the You should be using the如果你是担心未来of an API。P></

我想你可以承担的,long.min _值和值将不会改变long.max _ as they are of how the定义基于64位值在signed工件。(64 -位值和标准化的工作之前你是我出世,Most likely)You can also that will not change As呈DateEN T变化不多因为它has been since释和EN replaced there is reason to change即使少恩。在理论deprecated?可能,但现实中仍然太多队列which there is uses EN。P></

恕我直言,的使用表示方法long毫秒钟时间system.currenttimemillis(翼)使用布尔值布尔值long.min _ long.max _。P></

如果你是好有关使用API和整理关于未来你的尾巴,你avoid蓝晶石使用日历。not that there is恩的好坏,but are to replace恩想的原因。P></