关于Google App Engine:在python 2.5-> 2.7迁移中使用内存缓存

Using memcache in python 2.5 -> 2.7 migration

我正在将GAE应用程序从python 2.5迁移到2.7。 迁移文档说:

Warning: If your app uses memcache, be aware that datastore entities cached by Python 2.7 apps will raise an error if fetched from an app on the Python 2.5 runtime. It is strongly recommended that you do not simultaneously use both Python runtimes on the same app ID, even as different app versions. If you must use both runtimes, be careful not to store datastore entities in memcache. If you must, and are using NDB, temporarily disable automatic caching by adding _use_memcache=False to your models until your app is completely migrated to 2.7.




为了安全起见,建议您使用流量分割功能将少量流量发送到您的Python 2.7版本,这样,如果出现问题,它们就会在您的流量中显示一小部分。 您可以逐渐增加百分比,同时注意错误,直到从新版本提供所有流量为止。