关于c ++:Linux乐观的malloc:内存不足时,新的将总是抛出吗?

Linux optimistic malloc: will new always throw when out of memory?


By default, Linux follows an optimistic memory allocation strategy. This means that when malloc() returns non-NULL there is no guarantee that the memory really is available. This is a really bad bug. In case it turns out that the system is out of memory, one or more processes will be killed by the infamous OOM killer. [...]

考虑到操作员的new实现最终会在某个时刻调用malloc,是否有任何保证new会真正在Linux上抛出? 如果没有,如何处理这种显然无法检测到的错误情况?


赫伯·萨特(Herb Sutter)几年前讨论了这种行为实际上是如何不符合C ++标准的:

"On some operating systems, including specifically Linux, memory allocation always succeeds. Full stop. How can allocation always succeed, even when the requested memory really isn't available? The reason is that the allocation itself merely records a request for the memory; under the covers, the (physical or virtual) memory is not actually committed to the requesting process, with real backing store, until the memory is actually used.

"Note that, if new uses the operating system's facilities directly, then new will always succeed but any later innocent code like buf[100] = 'c'; can throw or fail or halt. From a Standard C++ point of view, both effects are nonconforming, because the C++ standard requires that if new can't commit enough memory it must fail (this doesn't), and that code like buf[100] = 'c' shouldn't throw an exception or otherwise fail (this might)."




我认为malloc仍然可以返回NULL。原因是可用的系统内存(RAM +交换空间)与进程的地址空间量之间存在差异。

例如,如果您在标准x86 linux上从malloc请求3GB内存,则它肯定会返回NULL,因为给定给用户空间应用程序的内存量是不可能的。


